Looking to buy Franklin Mint collectables - from single items to estates.
Safe, secure and easy local pickup.
Avoid hassles and dangers of selling online.
Simple fact - you sell online for more $, but - you pay commissions, your sales reported to IRS, some buyers requests return and you lose $$ on round shipping, occasionally, the buyer sends you back empty box and you lose your item too.
If you have a large collection, let me know your location, high level details and send a couple of photos.
If you have a couple of items, please send specifics.
I pay 25%-50% of confirmed Ebay sales and take the risk.
If your FM item is very valuable (ex.
Faberge Egg), I can help you sell on commission.
No spammers! E-mails without above mentioned details will not be considered.
No shipping.
No PayPal / Venmo.
Franklin Mint Harley Davidson, HD Diecast, Faberge, Bronze figures, Watches, Rare Dolls, Games - checkers, monopoly, clue, scrabble, chess, etc.
Everything, except plates, spoons :)!