looking for a couple guys, as I lost three due to the tower project, I do not blame them, it was a real mess, PSE&G were horrible people.
price is per person, if you do not like price, do not call.
I do not need an education about price, people, or anything else.
I am very selective, you need insurance, and be drama free.
You also must be clean as my woods is clean, if you bring food, candy wrappers, or piss jugs in, take them home to your old lady, as I do not want trash of any kind.
property is 77 acres, all wooded deer turkey, coyote, no cowboys, be respectful call if serious only, no text or e mail will ignore them 6zero9 915 24zero3 NO alcohol, drugs, and absolutely no BEER!!! I hate tough guys with beer muscles, take it out on your old lady, if you dare